Tickets for club awards night & training fees increase
We look forward to welcoming everyone back when training resumes this week for all age groups and event disciplines who have been off for September. The club café will be reopening Monday 3rd October 5pm to 7pm, and will as previously be run by our dedicated team of volunteers 4 nights a week, Monday to Thursday inclusive. Swansea University have risen their training fees for the first time since 2018, and will now cost £3.20 per person for children and adults, only payable by contactless in the club café before training commences, where all athletes must also be signed in on the coaches registers. In addition there is plenty of club kit in stock for anyone who requires kit for the forthcoming cross country and indoor athletics season.
Swansea Harriers Awards Night:
The Swansea Harriers Awards Evening will be held at 7pm on Friday 11th November 2022 at Swansea Uplands Rugby Club, SA2 7HP at a cost of £10 per person which includes a buffet. Tickets are available to purchase at the club café on training nights. All payments need to be received by 7.30pm on Thursday 3rd November – sorry but no late payments can be accepted. We look forward to welcoming you and celebrating your achievements on the night! We haven’t been able to host an awards evening for a couple of years due to C19, therefore we’ve a bit of catching up to do. Awards on the evening will include:
- Male Athlete of the Year
- Female Athlete of the Year
- Club Man of the Year
- Club Woman of the Year
- Gwilym Evans Award for volunteer of the Year
- Hayley Tullet Award for our outstanding junior female endurance runner of the year
- Alex Pavlou memorial Award for our outstanding U17 male sprinter of the year
- Junior Male Athlete of the Year
- Junior Female Athlete of the Year
- 2022 Club Record Breakers
- 2021 & 2022 U13, U15, U17 & U20 Gold Award Winners
- Team Managers U13, U15, U17 & U20 athlete of the year awards
- Recognition of our volunteers who kept the club going through the many C19 restrictions
Please come along to celebrate the club achievements!