• Weekly Updates Sunday 7th June

    National Volunteer Week: We thanked them all on last weeks update, and to end National Volunteer Week, we again thank all our volunteer coaches, officials, team managers, club trustees and cafe team, all of whom are absolutely priceless, there would be no club for the athletes without all of them. We will be looking for…

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  • Weekly Updates Saturday 30th May

    Thanks again this week to all our club members and parents who are key workers and in other essential services, you are doing an amazing job! Click read more below for this weeks updates including results, volunteering, another physical challenge and our senior womens track & field dream team! Results: We have three virtual endurance…

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  • Weekly Updates Friday 22nd May

    We do hope everyone is still keeping safe and well. Please don’t forget to get in touch if you want or need help with anything at all, keep talking and keep in touch, we are here to help! Our thanks again goes out to all our members who work for the NHS and all those…

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  • Weekly Updates Thursday 14th May

    The board of Welsh Athletics have agreed to extend the suspension of all athletics in Wales activity to Friday 19th June. The suspension of athletics competition in Wales to the end of June remains in place. Click read more for this weeks updates, challenges and other articles….. Results: After weeks of waiting we finally have some…

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  • Weekly Updates Wednesday 6th May

    We are very proud of our volunteers, senior members and parents of the juniors, that are still on the front line of fighting coronavirus. Please don’t forget to get in touch if you want or need help or support with anything at all. Keep safe and best wishes to you all. Click read more for…

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  • Weekly Updates Tuesday 28th April

    Stick together, keep talking, keep in touch, just pick up the phone and give your team mates, former team mate or coaches a call, make sure everyone’s all right and keep looking after each other! Competitions & Challenges: For our endurance runners several virtual races have now been added here to the annual fixtures page for very…

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  • Weekly Updates Monday 20th April

    We do hope everyone is still keeping safe and well. Please don’t forget to get in touch if you want or need help with anything at all, keep talking and keep in touch, we are here to help! Try to keep a routine each day part of which should be your exercise regime, take care…

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  • Weekly Updates Sunday 12th April

    It has been great to receive messages about how our members are getting on, in such a large club of very close to 900 members by the time we include all the volunteers, you could get lost, but it has been great to keep that personal touch with you. We do hope everyone is still…

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  • Weekly Updates Saturday 4th April

    We really do hope everyone is keeping safe and well. We are very proud of our volunteers, senior members and parents of the juniors, that are on the front line of fighting the coronavirus. Please don’t forget to get in touch if you want or need help or support with anything at all. Here are…

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  • Results Round Up From Exeter, Corwen, Woodford, Sheffield & Liverpool

    In what is likely to be our last results round up for many weeks, we catch up on on performances achieved last weekend; Wednesday 11th March at the South West Universities varsity match at Exeter Naim Awal runs (11.7) 100m & (24.2) 200m; Fynley Caudery jumps (1.70m) in the High Jump; Abigayle Goodrick-Latham runs (5.13.1) for 1500m and (20.01.6) for 5000m. Well…

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