Results Round Up

This week we have results to round up for you from Gothenburg Sweden, Deeside, Swansea, Cardiff, Manchester, Antrim, Chepstow, Loughborough and Lee Valley London.

Tuesday 13th until Sunday 25th August were the World Masters Track & Field Championships at Gothenburg, Sweden, M65 Roderick Davies placed 5th in heat 2 of the 100m recording 15.28 and 6th in his 200m heat 31.76 and 11th in his Long Jump with a best of 3.86m, W75 Daphne Marler was 11th in the Triple Jump with 3.88m, M80 Ian Bowles was 10th in the 1kg Discus with a 23.02m, 9th in the 3kg shot 8.21m, 11th 400g Javelin 14.56m & 7th in the 3kg Hammer 27.96m congratulations all on those performances against the very best masters in the World!

Tuesday 20th August was the Deeside open meeting where SM Jacob Edghill won the long jump with a best leap of 6.50m, well done Jacob!

Thursday 22nd August was the 5km on the Bay at Blackpill, Swansea, we had a good turnout from the club and or top five Men and Women home were, Men: Daniel Newton had a great run to step onto the podium for SILVER in 16.10 followed home by 11th Jack Sullivan 17.05, 14th Oliver Cobbold 17.18, 16th Patrick Jones 17.21 and 17th Jamie Cameron 17.29. In the Women there was a comfortable GOLD for Megan Carter-Davies in 16.52 over a minute ahead of her nearest rival, followed home by 15th Sophie Hartley-Green 20.28, 16th Chloe Hartley-Green 20.29, 17th Millie Thorne 21.07 and 20th Tori Barry. Very well done to all those who ran, click here for the full results.

Saturday 24th August was the Home Nations 5km International at Cardiff. Teams from England, Scotland and Wales took on the best composite teams from around the UK. In the Men’s International Jonathan Butler representing Wales cam home in 16th in the really fast lifetime best by over 10 seconds in a time of 14.20, well done Jonathan, followed home by 46th Matthew Rees 14.58, 54th Paul Tobin 15.03, 61st Blair McWhirter 15.12 and 63rd Matthew Harvey 15.20 making our top 5 Men overall In the Women’s international Megan Carter Davies ran 16.52 again placing 21st, followed home by 35th Olivia Gwynn 17.34, 37th Kate Roberts 17.37 and 38th Hannah Williams 17.45. There were A and B races held on the evening too, all consisting of very impressive performances from our club athletes. Click here for the full results.

Saturday 24th August was the Manchester International, Swansea Harriers had three U20 athletes selected for Wales with some strong performances against senior athletes.  Lucy Harris was 4th in the Discus with 37.13m, William Hawker & Marek Warzocha ran magnificently as part of the U20M 4 x 100m relay to break the Welsh U20 record coming home in 41.14, William also set a lifetime best of 22.21 in the 200m guest race, congratulations all on those Welsh Vests!

Sunday 25th August was the Antrim Coast Half Marathon where in awful weather conditions Dewi Griffiths had a great run to place 12th in 63.17 and M65 Richard Jones came home in1.45.21 to place 1145th, well done both!

Sunday 25th August at the Charnwood AC Open meeting in Loughborough SM Karl Williams runs a windy 11.05 for 100m and SW Caryl Moore runs 6.79 for 400m Hurdles, well done both on such great runs.

Monday 26th August U20M Marek Warzocha ran a new personal best of 10.83 just 0.03 outside of the club record, for 6th in his heat in Lee Valley, well done Marek!