West Glamorgan Cross Country League Round 3 @ Gnoll Park Estate, Sunday 13th March
11am Sunday 13th March sees round 3 of the West Glamorgan Cross Country League for senior athletes at Gnoll Country Park Estate, SA11 3EF. This is a great league for runners of all abilities. You do not need to be selected to participate. After the first two rounds our Womens team are placed 3rd in Division 1 and we have two Mens teams both placed 4th in Divisions 1 & 2. The very best of luck to everyone representing the club.
Distance: Men & Women both run 2 laps = 4.7 miles, Women start approx. 5 mins after the men (to avoid congestion on narrow parts of the course).
The course terrain is stone pathway and grassed areas with a short section of tarmac. Lots of exposed tree roots and lose stone in the wooded areas. The grass sections are likely to be muddy. There is also a shallow water crossing (4 to 5 strides long). Recommended footwear is Studs or trainers not spikes.
Registration 0930 to 1045 – go to the lakeside entrance to the centre not the main entrance.
Entry Fee £4 Welsh Athletics affiliated, £6 non affiliated.
Parking is limited (please share cars where poss) NO BUSES, £2.60 for 4 hours (card or cash at machine).